Brief Biographical Statement


Muhammad M. Haj-Yahia, Ph.D., earned his doctoral degree in social work from the University of Minnesota, and is currently a Professor and Gordon Brown Chair in Social Work at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. The following are his academic and research areas of interest:

· Family Violence, with special interest in the following specific topics: Beliefs about wife beating among ordinary people as well as among health and mental health practitioners; risk factors and mental health consequences of violence against women and child abuse and neglect; and resilience as well as protective factors that mitigate such consequences.

· Political Violence, with special interest in the following topics: Mental health consequences of the exposure of children, young adults, and parents to political violence; the inter-generational transmission of those consequences; as well as protective and resiliency factors that mitigate the effects and consequences of this exposure.

· Community Violence, with special interest in the characteristics and mental health consequences of the exposure of children and adults to community violence.

· The Socio-Cultural and Socio-Political Contexts of child abuse and wife abuse, and the relevance of these contexts to the education and practice of the mental health professions.