Putting context into a cultural perspective: examining Arab and Jewish adolescents' judgments and reasoning about spousal retribution


Ronald O Pitner, Astor, Ron Avi, Benbenishty, Rami , Haj-Yahia, Muhammad M, and Zeira, Anat . 2011. “Putting Context Into A Cultural Perspective: Examining Arab And Jewish Adolescents' Judgments And Reasoning About Spousal Retribution”. Violence Against Women, 17, Pp. 584–602. doi:10.1177/1077801211407447.


In this study, we examined what contextual factors influence adolescents' judgments and reasoning about spousal retribution. Adolescents were drawn from Central and Northern Israel and consisted of 2,324 Arab and Jewish students (Grades 7-11). The study was set up in a 2 (Arab/Jewish respondent) × 2 (spousal retribution scenarios) factorial design. Our findings suggest that societal and cultural norms may be more powerful contextual variables than group stereotypes in influencing Arab and Jewish adolescents' evaluations of spousal retribution. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.