The article presents results from a larger survey, which examined the attitudes and perceptions of Palestinian physicians (N = 396) toward wife abuse. The instrument was a self-administered questionnaire, with open-ended questions in which participants expressed their definitions of wife abuse, their perceptions of the causes of wife abuse, and their perceptions of appropriate interventions with wife abuse. The relevance of the sociocultural contexts of Palestinian society in particular and Arab societies in general to the participants' responses is highlighted in the article. The limitations of the study as well as implications for theory development, future research, and professional training are discussed.
Cindy A Sousa, Haj-Yahia, Muhammad M, Feldman, Guy , and Lee, Jessica . 2013.
“Individual And Collective Dimensions Of Resilience Within Political Violence”. Trauma, Violence, And Abuse, 14, Pp. 235–254. doi:10.1177/1524838013493520.
Abstract Research has documented a link between political violence and the functioning of individuals and communities. Yet, despite the hardships that political violence creates, evidence suggests remarkable fortitude and resilience within both individuals and communities. Individual characteristics that appear to build resilience against political violence include demographic factors such as gender and age, and internal resources, such as hope, optimism, determination, and religious convictions. Research has also documented the protective influence of individuals' connection to community and their involvement in work, school, or political action. Additionally, research on political violence and resilience has increasingly focused on communities themselves as a unit of analysis. Community resilience, like individual resilience, is a process supported by various traits, capacities, and emotional orientations toward hardship. This review addresses various findings related to both individual and community resilience within political violence and offers recommendations for research, practice, and policy.
This paper presents results from a nationally representative cross-sectional survey of married women (N = 3,500) in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Interviews assessed the 12-month prevalence of participants' exposure to psychological, physical, and sexual intimate partner violence (IPV) and risk factors including: demographic characteristics, several factors of marital relations, stressful life events, political violence, status inconsistency, family size, locality, region, help resources in the community, and locality-level acceptance of wife abuse. The prevalence estimates of IPV were: psychological aggression, 50 % minor and 12 % severe; physical assault, 17 % minor and 6 % severe; and sexual coercion, 4 % minor and 6 % severe. Results revealed that stressful life events, husbands' controlling behavior, and marital conflicts were related to all forms of IPV (all p-values < 0.05). Greater locality-level acceptance of wife abuse was statistically associated with greater odds of each type of violence except sexual violence. The limitations and implications of the study for future research are discussed.
The article presents the results of a study that explored the rates and characteristics of exposure to community violence (CV) and its relevance to several sociodemographic factors among a sample of 1,930 Palestinian youth (1,018 girls and 912 boys), aged 12 to 19 years residing in diverse residential areas in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Data were collected using a self-report questionnaire. The frequency of boys' exposure to CV during the previous 12 months was significantly higher than among girls. The frequency of witnessing CV during that period was higher than the frequency of personally experiencing CV, and exposure to mild CV incidents during that period was higher than the frequency of exposure to severe CV incidents during the same period, with no significant relationship to sociodemographic factors. Participants reported higher rates of witnessing most CV incidents outside of the neighborhood. Nonetheless, they reported higher rates of experiencing most incidents of CV inside the participants' neighborhood. The implications of the results for theory development and future research are discussed.
שיטת המחקר: מחקר איכותני, ראיונות עומק פתוחים וחצי מובנים מחקר זה נועד ללמוד על תפיסתן הסובייקטיבית של נשים מוכות את חוויית השהות במקלט לנשים. המחקר נעשה בשיטה האיכותנית, והוא כלל ניתוח תוכן של ראיונות עומק חצי מובנים עם 18 נשים מוכות ממקלטים שונים בארץ. ממצאי המחקר מלמדים על ארבע תמות מרכזיות אשר מעצבות את חוויית השהות של הנשים במקלט: תפיסת האישה את התנסותה במקלט כארגון, חוויית האישה את עצמה ואת ניסיון חייה, חוויית האישה את קשריה עם נשים אחרות במקלט וחוויית האישה את קשריה עם הצוות המקצועי במקלט. חותם את המאמר דיון במגבלות המחקר והשלכות על פיתוח תיאוריה, על המחקר ועל טיפול בבעיית האלימות נגד נשים. (מתוך המאמר)
ביקשנו לראיין את פרופ' צבי איזיקוביץ' מבית הספר לעבודה סוציאלית וראש המרכז לחקר החברה באוניברסיטת חיפה. אנו רואים בצבי דמות מפתח בחקר האלימות במשפחה בישראל. לאורך שלושים השנים שבהן הוא חוקר, מלמד וכותב בתחום, היה פרופ' איזיקוביץ חלוץ ומוביל דרך, תוך שהוא מעמיד דורות של תלמידים באקדמיה ובשדה, ותורם לעיצוב המדיניות הממשלתית בתחום האלימות במשפחה. הראיון התקיים במשרדו של פרופ' איזיקוביץ, במרכז לחקר החברה, ב-5 ביולי 2012. בשל אורכו של הריאיון אנו מביאים את תמצית דבריו של פרופ' איזיקוביץ על סוגיות מרכזיות בתחום. (מתוך המאמר)